NewscurATalk Christoph Reinhardt

curATalk Christoph Reinhardt

Our next speaker within the curATime seminar series is Junior Prof Dr Christoph Reinhardt from the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany. Everyone who likes to take part can join his seminar about "Microbiota and Arterial Thrombosis" on November 08th, at 5 pm.

Junior Prof Dr Christoph Reinhardt holds the professorship for Experimental Haemostasis and Gnotobiotics and functions as a junior group leader at Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis at the University Medical Center Mainz. His research focusses, amongst others, on the effect of the microbiota and innate immune receptors on vascular function and thrombosis. By coordinating the project microbAIome (Host-microbiome interactions in atherothrombosis) he integrates his vast experience into the curATime cluster. To get more information, please visit this website.

Click here to join the virtual lecture via MS Teams.

curATime - Cluster for Atherothrombosis and Individualized Medicine - is our collaborative cluster for future which we initiated with the University Medical Center Mainz, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and many more partners. The cluster is initially funded by the BMBF for three years. Within curATime, we want to reduce the incidence and impact of cardiovascular diseases, which is the leading cause of death worldwide.

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